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Riaccendilo! (Turn It On Again!)acrylic on canvas, 80x60 cm, 2004

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Dove? (Where?)
acrylic on paperboard, 103x67cm, 2004

Sandro Taliani

Il cortile (The Courtyard)acrylic on paperboard 72x101, 2003
Guest artist - March 2005

Sandro Taliani was born in Rome in 1960. He got his diploma in Arts in 1978. He has been painting since he can remember and has been continuously practising his technique in order to acquire the skills he admires in ancient masters like Caravaggio and Vermeer.
Starting from 2001 he has participated some selected group exhibitions in Rome and in 2004 his painting "Who?" won the 3rd place award at the "III Painting Contest in the town of Fondi" and has been acquired by the Fondi Museum of Modern Art.
Taliani's favorite subject is Man and his psychological and physical environment. He is interested in the everlasting struggle of Man against his innate animal nature and his path to civilization but not in the strictly technological meaning of it.

click to read the interview

Visit Sandro Taliani website

The artist


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Gallery concept & design by BTDesign - Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri