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Blue Water

Huang Youwei

Melon Seedlings
Guest artist - March 2001

Huang Youwei was born in Yueyang City, Hunan Province, in 1965. Huang Youwei brings his love of nature and it's tranquillity into all his paintings. The artist was trained for three years in traditional Chinese Painting. Around the age of 21, he was exposed to and immediately fell in love with English landscape paintings, which reminded him of his hometown. He moved from painting in "ink and wash" to his present style of watercolor painting. Huang Youwei's paintings, though quiet on the surface, are strongly imbued with the artists past, firm beliefs and clear dreams for the future. The artist explains that for him, the purpose of a painting is to show idyllic beauty. He explains that this is what he admires and loves.
As Western thought often emphasizes the strength of man, Eastern traditions predominantly suggest the powerlessness of man in the face of nature. Huang Youwei presents a balance and coordination between man and nature, taking the beautiful sides of both and fusing them together. Neither side dominates, rather they both coexist harmoniously. In this way he elegantly brings together and rationalizes the meeting of the east and west by extracting and mixing the positive and hopeful sides from both. Right now he is one of the leading artists of the Wan Fung Art Gallery.He has held many successful solo watercolor painting exhibitions in Beijing and Hong Kong.

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All artworks displayed in these pages remain the exclusive property of the respective artsts. Unauthorized reproduction is forbidden.

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Gallery concept & design by BTDesign - Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri