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Nine Elms

Tina Oloyede

Guest artist - November 2001

Born in 1964, Tina grew up in the south-east of England, and moved to London in 1982 to study medicine at Guy's Hospital. She qualified as a doctor in 1988, completed her GP training in 1993, and has continued working as a principle in General Practice since then. She met her husband in 1988, and they married in 1990. They have three children, and live and work in Glasgow, Scotland.
With no previous experience or formal art training, Tina discovered fractal art by chance in October 1999 after downloading a fractal screensaver from the internet, and was fascinated by these extraordinary images. Having found Doug Harrington's "Amazing Seattle Fractals" website, she experimented with Tierazon, a fractal-generating programme written by Stephen Ferguson, and with the guidance of Doug's tutorial, was soon hooked. She now works almost exclusively with Ultra Fractal, and her artwork can be seen displayed in the many galleries on her website AARTIKA!
"I have always held an interest in art, particularly modern and abstract works, and enjoyed being creative. However my own technical skills have never been good, and at school I failed to achieve any success with the traditional art forms, such as drawing, painting and sculpture. It was therefore a revelation to me when I discovered fractals for the first time at the age of 35! Even more so, when I realised that I needed to be neither a mathematician, nor an artist in the traditional sense, to start creating..."

Visit Tina Oloyede's Gallery

The artist


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Le opere esposte rimangono di proprietà esclusiva degli artisti. La loro riproduzione non espressamente autorizzata è vietata.

All artworks displayed in these pages remain the exclusive property of the respective artsts. Unauthorized reproduction is forbidden.

Todas las obras de arte mostradas en estas página son exclusivamente de derechos reservados en favor de su autor. Queda estrictamente prohibida la reproducción sin autorización.

Gallery concept & design by BTDesign - Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri