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Joseph Dosio

Recliner II
Guest artist - May 2002

Joseph Dosio's work is created from scrap metal and wood, metal and paper... the discarded, the unwanted. Joseph scours the countryside for such materials.
As Academy Award Winning Director James Ivory wrote in a statement dedicated to Joseph:
"Dosio, who has never had any formal training,creates an art that speaks directly and freely to the observer, making it possible to reconsider the sculpture's components in a new light. His work reshapes our own perceptions and understanding of the utilitarian objects surrounding us, some in use, some long since discarded, in an ongoing and valid 20th century sculptural tradition originated by such artists as Picasso".
Personal statement from Joseph:
"I find beauty in all, especially the "unwanted". I am inspired by discarded, unwanted fragments from others, "the unwanted". The intimacy that I have for my work is part of my sexual desire to create love and passion for what I am intimate with. The aspiration of my work is the longing and passion to create beauty. To Be...To Be Junk, To Be Discarded, To Be Destroyed, To Be Found, To Be Wanted, To Be Again".

click to read the interview

Visit Joseph Dosio website

The artist


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Le opere esposte rimangono di proprietà esclusiva degli artisti. La loro riproduzione non espressamente autorizzata è vietata.

All artworks displayed in these pages remain the exclusive property of the respective artsts. Unauthorized reproduction is forbidden.

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Gallery concept & design by BTDesign - Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri