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Dennis Hopper

Curtis Knapp

Steve & Jupiter
Guest artist - August 2002

Curtis Knapp was born in Garden City, Long Island, New York. He attended the Parsons School of Design, NYC. He worked in Illustration in NYC. Lived in Athens, Georgia in the late 70s. Photographed and helped "The B-52's" in NYC getting their 1st. gigs there.
1980-83 First Studio Portrait Sittings. Madonna (1st. magazine cover). REM, Their first 12 inch record cover, "CHRONIC TOWN". Started shootings for GQ and ESQUIRE magazines. The acquaintance and photographed Andy Warhol which led to photographing William Burroughs, Jim Carroll,, etc.
1984 Relocated to Tokyo, Working mainly in Advertising & Music. PARCO, 1st One Man Show.
1988 APA 22nd Exhibition, #1 Special Award. 1991 New York Festival, International Print and Advertising, 2 Bronze Awards. 1993 'CATWALK, Fashion Models of Japan',-Book published. "CATWALK", One Man Show, East Gallery.
1995-96 2 year stay in LA. Portrait Shooting.
1997 Back to Tokyo. 'FOTO PORTRAITS' - Book published by BNN Publishing Co. -Tokyo
2000 'PRISON'S Inside ART' Book published by ASPECT Corp., - Tokyo. With Intro by Timothy Leary.
2001 Tokyo Photo Museum, Exhibition- PARCO '70 Best Posters' 1969-1986.
2002 HASSELBLAD - One of a select group of contributors featured on their new web site and worldwide marketing materials. April 2002

click to read the interview

Visit Curtis Knapp's website

The photographer


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Le opere esposte rimangono di proprietà esclusiva degli artisti. La loro riproduzione non espressamente autorizzata è vietata.

All artworks displayed in these pages remain the exclusive property of the respective artsts. Unauthorized reproduction is forbidden.

Todas las obras de arte mostradas en estas página son exclusivamente de derechos reservados en favor de su autor. Queda estrictamente prohibida la reproducción sin autorización.

Gallery concept & design by BTDesign - Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri