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Visioni scomposte (Dismantled Visions), oil on canvas, 2000, 155 X 125

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Linee di liberi pensieri (Lines of Free Thoughts), oil on canvas, 2000, 80 X 65

Vincenzo Balsamo

Un pomeriggio con Wagner (An Afternoon with Wagner), oil on canvas, 2000, 50 X 65
Guest artist - May 2003

Vincenzo Balsamo was born in Brindisi in 1935. He lived in Rome, Paris and now he lives in Verona.
He exhibited many times in national and international Art Fairs, galleries and museums, from figurative works of the fifties and sixties, over the seventies with the series of the First Abstraction, the Cubist period, the "Decomposition" of matter work; to the "Nebula" where the sign prevails on colour; to the "Evocations" of surreal calls; to the Second Abstraction of the first eighties that closes the "Analysis and experimentations" period.
Sign, light and colour are the elements that Vincenzo Balsamo uses to play his expressive game. It is an operation the artist performs under the sign of grace and lightness, letting the images come out as if from a dream, "the place where the lines of geometry and imagination live together". The sign outlines the forms, the colour connotes the emotional field, the light dematerializes the vision. Vincenzo Balsamo is today one of the most important Italian artists of abstractism.

click to read the interview

Visit Vincenzo Balsamo's website

The artist


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Gallery concept & design by BTDesign - Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri