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Ludwig Haas

Straight Ahead
Guest artist - June 2003

Ludwig Haas was born in Feldbach, a small styrian city in the southeast of Austria in 1947. He has been living and working there for more than thirty years before he decided to leave his common existence. According to his deep artistic passion he completely "crossed the border" and moved with his family to St Martin a.d.Raab - a small village in southern Burgenland. At first Ludwig concentrated on painting and sculpting and participated in different exhibitions. Despite of some local recognition he felt unsatisfied with his situation because of significant limitations of traditional art methods: "there is reduced space for artistic creativity today - nearly everything you intend to do has been done by someone else in the past. Clear differentiation is a challenge for a successful development." At the beginning of the nineties Ludwig Haas focused all his activities on iron and steel working – materials which had never been accessible to direct three-dimensional sculpting before. He had this idea to overcome the resistance of such metal surfaces via a local melting and air blowing process and he proved right. Thanks to an easy to handle method it was possible for him to open a completely "forgotten chapter of sculpting" in a very unique way.

click to read the interview

Visit Ludwig Haas' website

The artist

Ludwig Haas is a member of the Painting Jury for the Master of 2004 Annual Art Award

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Gallery concept & design by BTDesign - Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri