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Jerzy Kêdziora

Guest artist - March 2004

Jerzy Kędziora was born in 1947 in Czestochowa, Poland and is a graduate of this city’s Fine Arts Secondary School (1961) and the National Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk (1972). He was tutored among others by Prof. St. Horno-Poplawski, Prof. Duszenko and Prof. A. Smolana.
He creates his works in a wide range of fine art disciplines from drawing, painting and advertisement graphics, through ceramics, medal art and spatial composition, to theatrical scenography and usable forms. The artist’s work is highly appreciated among outstanding fine arts experts and critics.
He is the winner of plentiful awards in some of the most important competitions and exhibitions, either at home and abroad. He has been several times with the Polish Ministry of Culture and Art grants. He has taken part in many major international and Polish open-air meetings and symposiums and is a member of the World Movement of Sculpture Symposiums. His art is complete, original and meaningful in sculpture as well as in the architectonic design of sculpture monuments.

click to read the interview

Visit Jerzy Kêdziora's website

The artist


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Gallery concept & design by BTDesign - Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri