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Jorge De Amesti

Guest artist - February 2005

Jorge de Amesti Mohr is entranced by the peace and spiritual beauty that radiates from natural and undefiled landscapes. It is in contemplating and experiencing the power of such scenic splendour that he feels a need to give expression to his photographic inclination to permanently record these fleeting moments and sensations.
Motivated by this love of nature, he has travelled to places as diverse as Australia, Chile, Sweden or Tasmania, shaping with skill and poetic sensibility the subtle effects of light.
Forests, mountains, rivers, and deserts are his favoured settings. Although his camera will, from time to time, also focus on animals, portraits of people, and rustic scenes.
His special penchant is for the subtle tones created by sand and fog. His compositions are the result of long hours awaiting the precise photographic moment.
With a meticulous eye for detail and perfect framing, as well as a constant search for those delicate strokes of light that can transfigure the usual into the extraordinary, he is able to transform his images into moments and emotions that defy time and place. His photographs are meant to capture sensations and translate them into emotions.

click to read the interview

Visit Jorge De Amesti website

The photographer


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Gallery concept & design by BTDesign - Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri