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Ray Cologon

Pawn Cocktail
Guest artist - November 2002

Ray Cologon was born in Sydney, Australia in June 1957.
Cologon moved with his family to a remote township in New South Wales in 1961. Following the death of his father in 1963 and destruction of the family home by bushfire in 1965, Cologon moved with his remaining family, to a rural city in New South Wales, where he completed his primary and secondary education. During the late nineteen-sixties and the nineteen-seventies Cologon became increasingly involved with the arts, making painting and sculpture and writing poetry and music. He performed his music at cafes, clubs and music venues. Because of his family's difficult financial circumstances, at the age of seventeen he hitch-hiked interstate to Canberra where he worked and then began putting himself through part-time university studies, towards a double major in Literature and Psychology. He worked with local musicians and theatre, and published some poetry.
Despite making good progress, Cologon wanted more opportunity for creativity, and in 1978, was accepted to attend Art School in Melbourne to study for a Degree in Art, which he completed in 1981. Cologon's studies included work in film and performance, as well as a major in sculpture. His earlier fascination with wood as a material returned at this point, and he completed a number of accomplished sculptural works in wood while still pursuing his studies. Subsequent work included a number of commissions for works in wood, as well as several beautiful sculpted rocking horses. With the advent of two children, Cologon took employment for a time in University work, at first as a tutor and lecturer, and then in more senior roles of administration. This led to exploration of a number of other abilities and interests, and culminated in his entering for PhD candidacy from 1992 to 1997. Cologon was awarded a Doctorate from Victoria University in 1998.

Visit Ray Cologon's website

The artist

Ray Cologon has been a member of the Sculpture Jury for the Master of 2003/2004 Annual Art Awards

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Gallery concept & design by BTDesign - Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri