New Rating from Award Sites!

The Rules
  • The winners of all BTDesign awards are chosen each month via two ways of selection. Webmasters can directly apply for the awards through the application form or we can award a site we personally visited and found eligible to win.
  • Some sites can obtain more than an award if they meet the needed requirements in more than one category. In some extraordinary cases we can consider a site that doesn't meet exactly all the requirements, but its content must be really outstanding!
  • You must be the webmaster and/or owner of the site. According to COPPA, US resident applicants under the age of 13 must have permission from a parent or legal guardian to apply for this award.
  • The languages I can read are: Italian, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese. Sites written in languages other than those listed above are welcome too but must absolutely provide an English version. Human translations are obviously preferred to authomated ones.
  • Allow me 1 to 5 weeks to review your site. Only winners will be notified via email.
    Upon acceptance of their award, the winners will receive a personalized award graphic and will be added to the winners' list. Winners who don't reply to the notification email have 30 days to accept the award then the award is revoked and reapplications will not be accepted.
  • Please note it is now mandatory to display the BTDesign award you won on your site by linking it to Winners who don't display the award on the site's pages will be removed from the winners list.
    The award graphics have already been optimized for fast loading so it is recommended not to alter or resize them. The only officially approved version of any displayed BTDesign Award is that with the winner's name on it which can be displayed only by legitimate winners of BTDesign Awards. Illegitimate display of any of BTDesign Awards' graphics consists in copyright violation.
  • If you don't win you are welcome to submit your application again after the 30 days period if you have made significant changes and improvements to your pages. A first disqualification doesn't mean you won't be able to win in the future. This rule applies to the upgrading requests from the winners of the "Best Site" and "Approved Site Award" too.
    You can find some useful hints on how to improve your site in the tips page.
  • Don't apply if you maintain a site whose content and suggested links deal with pornography, hatred, propaganda, racism, spam, warez, gambling, dialer sites, hacking activities or anything else that can be considered illegal by international laws and offensive by common sense. Nevertheless no sites will be disqualified on a discriminating ideological basis, for their content or because they sustain campaigns that we don't personally agree with if they are obviously legal, based on objective research, prejudice-free and doesn't contain any of the disqualifiers above, links included.
  • These awards are meant to honor those webmasters willing to share their personal creativity, knowledge and interests on non profit pages. Commercial sites must offer also some valuable original and resident useful free resources to their visitors to be eligible to win these awards.
  • The same rule applies to web design companies. Don't apply unless you can offer some free tutorials and other resources.
  • Please don't submit portals or sites containing only links to external resources.
  • Please don't submit sites which use a dialer connection.
  • Personal sites must offer some content of general interest, not just "my photos", "my friends", "my pets", "my poems". A great design and originality in presenting such contents can though make these sites eligible in some exceptional cases.
  • Please enter an exhaustive and clear description of your site. Applications without it or saying "GREAT SITE!" will end with immediate disqualification.
  • Please check the URL you are submitting. Wrong or dead URLs will be immediately disqualified.
  • Please check your email address in the submission form. If the authomated response returns an invalid address the applicant will be disqualified.
  • Please don't submit the same site more than once in a month. Repeated applications for the same site without respecting the 30 days delay period will lead to immediate and permanent disqualification.
  • Ask yourself if your site can be considered a cultural resource. If not the probabilities of finding it in the winners' list will reduce dramatically.
  • If you are a previous BTDesign Awards winner seeking for an upgrade please tell us which award you won by filling the proper box in the application form.
Before you apply please read and complete the Qualification Test!

>>> Next to the general criteria.


Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri - Design by BTDesign