Awards 2004/2005
I sincerely thank all these webmasters for the time spent reviewing my site and for their most distinguished awards. Every award means a lot to me and is proudly displayed in these pages. Thanks again, Barbara
February 6, 2004 Congratulations, You've Won! Dear Webmaster,
After careful consideration, the design staff at Triumph PC
are pleased to announce that your site has won the 2003
"Award of Triumph" Website design competition for good overall
design and execution.
You should consider this both a great honour and a testament
to your good taste and superior webdesign skills.
Thank you for entering your site in this year's Award of Triumph
Web design competition! Sincerely, The Staff of Triumph PC ONLINE |

July 4, 2005 Dear Barbara,
cordial congratulation! I really enjoyed my visit to your site. It is a great pleasure to be able to reward your creativity and hard work. Particularly well the kind pleased me art-gallery, because I love very artistic to work. Likewise your Awardprogramm is qualitatively very good and the Awards has a mad Design. Keep up the fine job. Your site has been awarded Franzi´s Reptil-Award of excellence !
Thank You for making the web experiance a better place. Cordial greetings, Franz !
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